Alien vs Predator Big Blue CPS2 Arcade Marquee

AvP was one of our favorite games growing up. Slightly more advanced with move combinations than the rest of the side scroller beat em ups such as Simpsons and X-Men. Not to mention the Big Blue arcades at 7-Eleven were beautiful in an intimidating sort of way. This particular game in the Northwest is still affordable. Last couple ones have sold for around $600 on Craigslist. Wouldn’t be surprised if they jumped up in price though. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and take a trip down memory lane with the play through below:

2018-04-04T18:52:09+00:00April 4th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos, Restorations|

Neo Geo Marquees

We always like seeing some nice Neo Geo arcade marquees, and recently Chris from Mobius Strip Technologies was kind enough to send us some of our marquees mounted and looking great! Apparently Chris’s first arcade was a Neo Geo, which is awesome because it was our first too. Hard to beat the selection and variety you can get from the MVS system, and the feel of having one of those fatty carts in your hand. Thanks again Chris!

2018-03-30T00:08:16+00:00March 30th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Punchout Arcade Marquee

Loved this game as a kid. Turns out the arcade is waaaay more difficult. Always liked the way the cabinet looked, and as of late, they’re getting harder and harder to find. At recent Captain’s Auctions in California, dedicated Punchout cabinets were going for as much as $1200. Check out the marquee in our store HERE.

2018-03-02T01:07:14+00:00March 2nd, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Robocop Arcade Marquee

Robocop arcade marquee by Data East. Always liked how this looked in a curved Dataeast marquee holder, but man are those a pain when the plexi breaks. Gameplay on this one was pretty weak, especially for such a badass movie, but hey, what are ya gonna do. Check the playthrough below, and the marquee in our store HERE.

2018-02-27T01:50:06+00:00February 27th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Die Hard Arcade Marquee

Used to love playing this game as a kid. The 3D fighting platform and cool moves were just a little bit better than most of the other side scrollers out there. Not to mention the awesome weapons you could pick up and use. I seem to remember some timing based actions that had to be performed along the way too. The most annoying part of this particular game was the fact you were saving the president’s daughter once again. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to save a president’s daughter in video games, but I’m getting pretty tired of it. Just once, I’d like to save super model or sumthin…. Miss Universe…. I dunno. Lastly, we used to joke that the arcade cabinet resembled a trash can. It wasn’t until later on I heard that a company that designs trash cans ACTUALLY designed it. Not sure if that’s true, but I don’t doubt it. In my experience, the arcade sells in the Northwest for around $300-$500.

Check out the Die Hard arcade marquee in our store HERE, and a playthrough below:

2018-01-06T22:35:33+00:00January 6th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Vs Dr. Mario Arcade Marquee

Don’t really see Dr. Mario arcades around very much. I used to own 2 of them, but sold them due to lack of interest of people playing them. I do regret the decision though, haven’t seen one in the Northwest since. Might have to convert a Nintendo cabinet back over. Check out the marquee HERE, and a play through below (although I believe from NES). If anyone is able to get through the 1 hour and 22 minutes of footage, I will give you 10,000 internet points:

2017-12-28T20:43:50+00:00December 28th, 2017|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|