Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus Arcade Marquee

Recently had a request for some Guilty Gear XX marquees. As popular as the game is, it was very difficult sourcing art for it. As far as I understand, many of the different versions that came out, were released in Japan for candy cabs, which did not have marquee art. We took the liberty of producing some customs for people to use if they can’t find originals (which might not even exist, correct me if I’m wrong). Check em out in our store HERE.

2018-09-01T18:35:43+00:00September 1st, 2018|Arcade Marquee|

Chris’s Amazing Light Boxes

Sent out a buncha marquees to one of our awesome customers. He recently sent back some pics of what they turned into and I gotta say, they are probably the nicest looking light boxes we’ve seen thus far. In addition to their magical glow, the brick back ground really makes them pop. Short blurb from the man himself:

“With my pinball machines and ms. Pac-Man arcade cabinet, I didn’t have room for additional arcade cabinets, so I made a couple signs using your marquees and reclaimed pallet wood and plexiglass. They are backlit with LED strips and I’m really happy with them.”

2018-10-16T07:33:51+00:00August 3rd, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Light Boxes, Uncategorized|

Mike’s Arcade Marquee Soffit

We recently had a customer order quite a few marquees from us for a soffit project. Have to admit we really didn’t know what a soffit was until we looked it up. In any case, this is probably one of the coolest projects we’ve seen here at ArcadeMarquee Dot Com, thanks to Mike for the pics and description of the project:

“I had a very difficult time deciding how to represent the games that were important to me. So, rather than buy one or two arcade machines, we purchased a pedestal multicade and built a soffit that covers about half of the room. The soffit is backlit with led rope and has 13 marquees (5 on the west wall and 8 on the north wall) mounted inside it. I couldn’t be happier with the results and the supplemental lighting is nice for playing the arcade games as well.”

2018-06-27T19:40:46+00:00June 27th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Light Boxes, Product Photos|

Hunter’s Puckman Arcade Cabinet

We are always super interested in seeing some rare cabinets. One of our customers was nice enough to send some pics of a Puckman arcade marquee that we recently sent out. We asked Hunter to send us a quick blurb about the cab and some pics, so enjoy!

“I am making a scratch built replica of the original puckman machine. They were never released in America as puckman but only released as the well known “pac man”. So it’ll be an extremely rare game for me to have in my possession.” -Hunter

Thanks again Hunter!

2018-06-13T06:30:41+00:00June 13th, 2018|Product Photos, Restorations|

Bomberman Arcade Marquee

Had a request for a Bomberman arcade marquee, but unfortunately no such marquee was ever produced (to our knowledge). We came up with the following marquee to fill the void. Thanks to Brian for the push, and we are looking forward to how it looks in your game! Check out the marquee in our store HERE.

2018-05-30T19:35:37+00:00May 30th, 2018|Product Photos|

Ninja Baseball Bat Man Arcade Marquee

This is a pretty interesting one…. Ninja Baseball Bat Man, only a couple of these arcades made it out, right as the arcade industry was starting to tank. We were fortunate enough to get an original scan from Quarterworld in Portland. They have one of the few actual games that exist, and furthermore, one of the few that the public can go and play. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and an emulation play through below:

2018-04-28T01:42:12+00:00April 28th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|