Atomic Punk Arcade Marquee

This one was very difficult to source, and even then we were only able to manage a medium resolution image. Game images mainly focus on the more famous Bomber Man than this older obscure title. Check it out in our store HERE, and a video of the game play below


2025-01-21T17:29:07+00:00January 21st, 2025|Product Photos|

Mega Man The Power Battle Arcade Marquee

We’ve been looking for this one for a while, and oh boy what a pain in the butt to acquire. Super cool game though, Capcom just took the bosses from Mega Man and threw them onto a fighting style platform for arcade. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and below for a crazy no damage play through:

2022-02-08T20:41:37+00:00February 8th, 2022|Products|

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Marquee

Star Wars Trilogy arcade has one of those super cool marquees that juts up above the game. Which is awesome, but also very easy to break. You’ll be rolling that sucker under a door and then all of a sudden *POP* your marquee is in a hundred pieces. We decided to design a marquee that simply fits in the marquees space. Check it out in our store HERE, and check out a video below for that sweet sweet nostalgia we all desire:

PS, holy crap this guy playing is friggin good!

2021-08-09T19:34:15+00:00August 9th, 2021|Product Photos, Products|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

This one should be fairly easy so we are setting it to a $5 challenge. Gotta love the jello bowl Madonna armor bra. First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Congrats to Anthony R. for the win!

Click on the “Mystery Marquees” category on the right to see how many you can solve!

2020-05-28T23:19:36+00:00May 26th, 2020|Mystery Marquees|

Time Crisis Arcade Marquee

Finally took the time to get our original scans of Time Crisis marquee put together. Time Crisis is one of those games that people remember as one of their favorites from their childhood. Time Crisis 1 is quite rare however, as the more popular and super earner Time Crisis 2 was more highly sought after. Really difficult to compete with a 2 player game that earns about twice as much. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and if you’re feeling nostalgic, check out a play through of the game below, where yes, once again the president’s daughter has been kidnapped.

2018-10-24T19:06:52+00:00October 24th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Marvel Vs Capcom Big Blue Arcade Marquee

One or our favorite cabs here at Arcade Marquee is the Dynamo Big Blue. It’s massive, it’s blue, and it had a slew of great games that came in it. Among those were some great fighters, but not all those titles had dedicated marquees for the big marquee slot. One of those, was of course, Marvel vs Capcom. We took the liberty of making a Big Blue version of MVC. Check it out in our store HERE.

2018-10-16T07:31:55+00:00October 16th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Ninja Baseball Bat Man Arcade Marquee

This is a pretty interesting one…. Ninja Baseball Bat Man, only a couple of these arcades made it out, right as the arcade industry was starting to tank. We were fortunate enough to get an original scan from Quarterworld in Portland. They have one of the few actual games that exist, and furthermore, one of the few that the public can go and play. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and an emulation play through below:

2018-04-28T01:42:12+00:00April 28th, 2018|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|