Nintendo Super System Marquees

We recently received a request for Super System marquees. Very hard to find good art for these guys. After hours of restoration we have a couple pretty quality marquees. So far just Super Mario World, Super Tennis, and F-Zero. Still on the hunt for other good scans and art.

For a link to the items in our store, click HERE.

2017-07-23T19:50:39+00:00July 23rd, 2017|Product Photos|

Ninja Gaiden Arcade Marquee

Used to love playing this game on Nintendo when I was growing up. Came to find out that it was incredibly difficult on the arcade. Always liked the art for the marquee though. The child in me always sees Ryu farting as he swings from the light post. Cannot unsee…

Check it out on our store HERE.

2017-06-19T19:32:09+00:00June 19th, 2017|Product Photos|

Battletoads Arcade Marquee

Finally found a Battletoads arcade marquee. Probably one of the more rare ones we have encountered. Not exactly sure why, but it wasn’t the most popular arcade, and they don’t pop up very often. In any case, it has now been preserved for future generations.

2017-04-28T01:44:55+00:00April 28th, 2017|Product Photos|

Star Wars Arcade Marquee

Star Wars arcade marquee. One of our best selling marquees. Couldn’t really figure out why, but our suspicion is that they are being used like crazy for light boxes. If you’ve made one for yourself with one of our marquees, please send us a pic, and we’ll send you a 20% off coupon for your next order.

2015-10-25T23:02:59+00:00October 25th, 2015|Arcade Marquee|

Mortal Kombat II Arcade Marquee

Another blockbuster from the 90s. MKII was always the odd man out for me and my buddies because of the weird block button. Pressing backwards felt so intuitive from playing every other fighter. Needless to say I alway got smashed. Click HERE to take a look at one in our store.

2015-10-25T05:10:46+00:00October 16th, 2015|Arcade Marquee|