Mike’s Arcade Marquee Soffit

We recently had a customer order quite a few marquees from us for a soffit project. Have to admit we really didn’t know what a soffit was until we looked it up. In any case, this is probably one of the coolest projects we’ve seen here at ArcadeMarquee Dot Com, thanks to Mike for the pics and description of the project:

“I had a very difficult time deciding how to represent the games that were important to me. So, rather than buy one or two arcade machines, we purchased a pedestal multicade and built a soffit that covers about half of the room. The soffit is backlit with led rope and has 13 marquees (5 on the west wall and 8 on the north wall) mounted inside it. I couldn’t be happier with the results and the supplemental lighting is nice for playing the arcade games as well.”