Video Game Daryll’s Mini Arcade
Recently sold Video Game Daryll a custom marquee. We’re always very pleased to see our work in action and this one did not disappoint. Mini custom arcade with 6 button layout.
Update on the post, blurb from Daryll describing his project:
“I have been working and collecting arcade machines since 2001 when I moved I had to sell off a bunch of my arcade machines after that I acquired a few more at my new apartment my ultimate goal is to own a sit down racing racing game but I can’t fit one of those through my 29 inch doorways in my second-floor apartment.. I started my first bar top build after buying one of the target midway bar top arcade machines, then I acquired a homemade bar top arcade machine that was dropped I put it back together as a vertical orientated machine I still need to add side artwork and a control panel artwork layout, then I found a bar top arcade machine that I have been looking for for many years by Hanaho Game room classics Taito ..I did some general customization to that machine-then my dad wanted to build a bar top so I ordered him a kit online and he kept it basic black with chrome T molding.. after his build I decided to build one of my own I originally wanted to build it with a streetfighter II Full artwork but I had trouble with the company that makes the bar kit and artwork so I just started to make it a simple black and red set up removing the yellow T molding that I had already put on the machine at that point I purchased the multi cade marquee custom-made from arcade it came out really really nice..
My next build will be a Neo Geo MVS themed bar top arcade machine ..”
-Video Game Daryll
LINK to his YouTube channel