Star Wars Arcade Marquee

Star Wars arcade marquee. One of our best selling marquees. Couldn’t really figure out why, but our suspicion is that they are being used like crazy for light boxes. If you’ve made one for yourself with one of our marquees, please send us a pic, and we’ll send you a 20% off coupon for your next order.

2015-10-25T23:02:59+00:00October 25th, 2015|Arcade Marquee|

Mortal Kombat II Arcade Marquee

Another blockbuster from the 90s. MKII was always the odd man out for me and my buddies because of the weird block button. Pressing backwards felt so intuitive from playing every other fighter. Needless to say I alway got smashed. Click HERE to take a look at one in our store.

2015-10-25T05:10:46+00:00October 16th, 2015|Arcade Marquee|