Trevor’s Neo Geo Collection

We’ve always enjoyed collecting Neo Geo carts and marquees. In fact our first arcade was a Neo Geo 2 slot more than 10 years ago. So we’ve decided to start a little category on our website called Neo Geo World. Our first participant is Trevor, check out his story below:

First name or gamer tag: Trevor
Years collecting: 3
Rarest game: Twinkle Star Sprites
Favorite game: Metal Slug
Anything about the Neo Geo world: I always loved playing in the arcades any chance I could. When I saw metal slug in the 90s I thought the graphics and gameplay were the best they could ever get.

Now that I’m a little (lot) older I’ve got space in my home for 1 arcade machine, which has always been a dream. I immediately thought of the Neo Geo for metal slug, and then when I realized Neo Geo cabinets took cartridges that could easily be swapped, and hold up to 6 games at once. I was sold. If you can only get 1 arcade machine, why not get one that can natively play over 100 games!

I had to search for a long time, and could never find any dedicated Neo Geo cabinets where I live in Canada, so I bit the bullet and shipped one from TNT Amusements in the United States who restores arcade cabinets.

I try and fit at least one 10-15 minute arcade session in everyday, as really gives me something to look forward to at the end of the day.

I love spending time on this thing, and have ordered over 60 mini marquees from Tim to be used for my collection once I get the new led marquee lights.


Thanks for the write up Trevor! Keep the vibe alive!
2020-07-23T18:53:32+00:00July 23rd, 2020|Neo Geo World|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

This is probably the easiest mystery marquee that we’ve done. Would imagine it only taking about a day for someone to get. Super popular classic arcade from the 80s.

First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Contrats to Robby L. for the win!

Click on the “Mystery Marquees” category to see how many you can solve!

2020-07-03T01:40:06+00:00July 1st, 2020|Mystery Marquees|

Vs Platoon Arcade Marquee

We recently were able to get a good scan of Nintendo’s Vs Platoon. A very rare game, in fact we’ve never seen one in the wild. Gameplay doesn’t look particularly compelling, but a must have for the Die Hard Nintendo collector. Check out the marquee HERE, and a play through below.

2020-06-18T20:28:45+00:00June 18th, 2020|Arcade Marquee, Products|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

This one should be fairly easy so we are setting it to a $5 challenge. Gotta love the jello bowl Madonna armor bra. First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Congrats to Anthony R. for the win!

Click on the “Mystery Marquees” category on the right to see how many you can solve!

2020-05-28T23:19:36+00:00May 26th, 2020|Mystery Marquees|

Vs Nintendo Castlevania Arcade

There’s something super satisfying about seeing a very clean Nintendo cabinet. We recently sent out some Vs Nintendo arcade marquees to Dana, and were happy to see some pics of the final product. If you are in fact in need of a vs Castlevania marquee, please check it out in our store HERE. Also, we now sell the plexi for vs Nintendo cabinets HERE. Thanks again to Dana for sending the picture, and check out this video of vs Nintendo Castlevania vs the NES version.

2020-05-08T17:59:45+00:00May 8th, 2020|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Tron Arcade Marquee

The Tron arcade is one of the most iconic games from the 80s. Everything about the cabinet and art was extremely well done. Gameplay was and is mediocre, but that doesn’t stop today’s collectors from paying big bucks to own one.  At auction Tron’s generally go for over $2,000, and project cabinets can go for over $1000 (*Captain’s Auction Anaheim bidding data). Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and a video below for the playthrough.

2020-05-02T19:28:08+00:00May 2nd, 2020|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

I honestly don’t know how difficult this one will be for people to solve. I personally did not play this arcade very much as a kid, but it was mildly popular. First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Congrats to Lee W. for the correct answer!

2020-05-04T06:44:54+00:00May 1st, 2020|Mystery Marquees|