Strikers 1945 Arcade Marquee: Full Scan

For one reason or another, every 1945 marquee we’ve ever seen has either been cropped down a considerable amount, or printed on crappy paper and then laminated. We FINALLY found a good clean full sized marquee and very quickly scanned and cleaned it. One of the best shoot em ups of all time. Check it out in our store HERE, and peep below for a play through:

2021-05-20T15:45:41+00:00May 20th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Products|

Raiden Fighters JET Arcade Marquee

Finally found a good scan of Raiden Fighters JET thanks to Lawrence W.

One of the more rare shmup boards, which regularly goes for over $500 on ebay. Probably one of our favorites growing up, but jeez, what a quarter eater. Check out the play through below, and click HERE to buy one in our store.

2021-05-07T02:30:34+00:00May 7th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Videos|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

For this mystery marquee, we have a very fun side scroller. Hints to come if unsolved.

First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Congrats to Richard I. for the win. Shipping $5 right over to ya buddy!

2021-04-14T18:50:41+00:00April 13th, 2021|Mystery Marquees|

Josef’s Super Clean 4 Slot – Neo Geo World

This could possibly be one of the cleanest 4 slots we have ever seen. Thanks to Josef for the photos and continued business on the Neo Geo mini marquees.

First name or gamer tag: Josef
Years collecting: 2
Rarest game: Probably Alpha Mission II
Favorite game: Strikers 1945 Plus & Neo Turf Masters
Anything about the Neo Geo world:
Couple of years back I had an arcade cab with a single slot Neo Geo JAMMA board in it and a 161 in 1 multicart. That was the closest I could get playing Neo Geo on original hardware since finding an original Neo Geo cab here in Germany is very hard.
Last year I was finally lucky, found an original Neo Geo Big Red 4 Slot in a German arcade forum and immediately pulled the trigger. The seller told me that the cab is originally from a US military base here in Germany and his friend restored it couple years ago.
It is in great condition, only thing I have done so far was repainting the control panel and swapping the sticks and buttons for new ones.
I consider myself very lucky and proud to have such a great cabinet in my collection!


Thanks again Josef!

2021-03-23T17:43:16+00:00March 23rd, 2021|Neo Geo World|

Matt’s Big Blue In All It’s Glory

Something about a clean Dynamo CPS2 Big Blue that is just sooo pretty. Matt’s cabinet recently installed ArcadeMarqueeDotCom’s Big Blue marquee and plexi and well, look at it! In addition to the clean cabinet and marquee, Super Street Fighter II Turbo is an excellent game, probably one of the best fighters from the era. Kudos to you Matt, and thanks for the photos. Check out the marquee and plexi combo in our store HERE.

2021-02-06T19:10:35+00:00February 6th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Pandora’s Box Marquees Arcade Marquee

With the popularity of Pandora’s Box, we have created another arcade marquee specifically for the conversions out there. Just remember, if you have a unique arcade and it is in good shape, please consider keeping it original as opposed to converting. Chances are it will be worth more in the future, and converting cool dedicated cabinets is almost always a damn shame.

Check the marquee out in our store HERE.

2021-01-14T22:53:04+00:00January 14th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Mystery Marquee $5 Challenge [SOLVED]

Been a while since our last mystery marquee challenge. This one is up at our $5 level. A bit more of an obscure 80s game.

First person to email us at arcademarquee….at….gmail….dot….com or through our contact page with the correct answer receives $5 cash mailed to their door.


Congrats to Craig for the win.

Click on the “Mystery Marquees” category to see how many you can solve!

2020-12-21T22:25:16+00:00December 15th, 2020|Mystery Marquees|

Out Run Arcade Poster Light Box

Had this request from Steve S. Was a bit strange due to the size being poster as opposed to marquee, but thought it would be fun to indulge. Turned out awesome from the looks of it. Steve threw it in what looks like a commercial display light box, and is sure to be displayed in a cool location at his place. Cheers Steve!

2020-12-08T05:29:48+00:00December 8th, 2020|Arcade Marquee, Light Boxes|