Super Bishi Bashi Champ Blast City Arcade Marquee

Recently got a request for a Bishi Bashi arcade marque from Victoria. She was able to procure a scan of Super Bishi Bashi Champ, something that we have not been able to find in high resolution. From there it was a matter of color correction and cleaning in Photoshop. Looks great in the Sega Blast City, thanks for the photos Victoria!

Check it out in our store HERE.

2022-03-22T18:10:43+00:00March 22nd, 2022|Product Photos|

Mega Man The Power Battle Arcade Marquee

We’ve been looking for this one for a while, and oh boy what a pain in the butt to acquire. Super cool game though, Capcom just took the bosses from Mega Man and threw them onto a fighting style platform for arcade. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and below for a crazy no damage play through:

2022-02-08T20:41:37+00:00February 8th, 2022|Products|

Ice Climbers Nintendo Arcade Marquee

First off thanks again to Dana for sending another product photo to us! This time, we thought it was a photos of an original Vs Ice Climber Nintendo marquee, but no… pleasantly surprised that it was one of our reproductions. Cheers Dana, enjoy the game!

2021-11-26T22:06:01+00:00November 26th, 2021|Product Photos|

Ataxx Arcade Marquee from Kelly

Ataxx is one of those games that we have never seen on route, but looks like an extremely fun game with high replay value. We mailed this out to Kelly, who put together what looks like an awesome arcade. Cheers, Kelly. Thanks for the pic! Check out below for a video of the game, and click HERE to purchase the marquee.

2021-11-24T08:11:32+00:00November 24th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Videos|

Tournament Arkanoid Arcade Marquee

We came across a marquee that we had never seen recently. Had to look it up to figure out what was going on. Apparently Tournament Arkanoid was the successor to Arkanoid, but for some reason Romstar thought “tournament” might be an exciting was to say “two”. Check it out in our store HERE, and a video down below for a super cool cocktail version of the game.

2021-12-07T22:31:04+00:00October 19th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Videos|

Fight Club the Video Game

So we posted a marquee a month ago of a custom Fight Club that a customer ordered. One of our other customers then told us a Fight Club game actually exists for PS2. So of course we had to look it up and oh boy, this review is just about as good as it gets:

2021-10-12T22:31:20+00:00October 12th, 2021|Videos|