Ataxx Arcade Marquee from Kelly

Ataxx is one of those games that we have never seen on route, but looks like an extremely fun game with high replay value. We mailed this out to Kelly, who put together what looks like an awesome arcade. Cheers, Kelly. Thanks for the pic! Check out below for a video of the game, and click HERE to purchase the marquee.

2021-11-24T08:11:32+00:00November 24th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Videos|

Tournament Arkanoid Arcade Marquee

We came across a marquee that we had never seen recently. Had to look it up to figure out what was going on. Apparently Tournament Arkanoid was the successor to Arkanoid, but for some reason Romstar thought “tournament” might be an exciting was to say “two”. Check it out in our store HERE, and a video down below for a super cool cocktail version of the game.

2021-12-07T22:31:04+00:00October 19th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Videos|

Fight Club the Video Game

So we posted a marquee a month ago of a custom Fight Club that a customer ordered. One of our other customers then told us a Fight Club game actually exists for PS2. So of course we had to look it up and oh boy, this review is just about as good as it gets:

2021-10-12T22:31:20+00:00October 12th, 2021|Videos|

Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Marquee

Star Wars Trilogy arcade has one of those super cool marquees that juts up above the game. Which is awesome, but also very easy to break. You’ll be rolling that sucker under a door and then all of a sudden *POP* your marquee is in a hundred pieces. We decided to design a marquee that simply fits in the marquees space. Check it out in our store HERE, and check out a video below for that sweet sweet nostalgia we all desire:

PS, holy crap this guy playing is friggin good!

2021-08-09T19:34:15+00:00August 9th, 2021|Product Photos, Products|

Dungeons and Dragons Arcade Light Box By Keith

Had a customer recently send us images of this Dungeons and Dragons Light box and it looks great! Also, we must note that Dungeons and Dragons is the best 4 player side scroller of all time. So much replay value! Thank you to Keith S. for the photos.

Explanation below from the man himself:

“I used one 1X10 inch 8 foot long pine board. And 3/4 inch plywood piece for the back. I cut 3 pieces 2 and 7/8 wide for the sides and the bottom and one piece 2 and 9/16 wide for the top. I put the sides onto the plywood back using glue and pocket holes. Then glued 1/8 thick plywood 3/16 inch from the top to form a “rail” for the glass and marquee to slide on. Then got strips that protruded 1/8 inch wider than the boards to make a frame to go on the top of the box. Drilled a hole in the back and using U shaped nails to hold it down used a string of 5050 led lights to the back although I think 3850 led would probably work to since I used a good a lot of the strand. Slide a piece of glass along between the frame and the top piece I cut 3/16 inch shorter than the other than the sides and the bottom. Then slid the marquee over the glass piece.”

-Keith S.

2021-06-11T22:49:43+00:00June 11th, 2021|Arcade Marquee, Light Boxes, Product Photos|