Polybius Arcade

Just got done printing a Polybius arcade marquee for a customer, didn’t realize the background on this game until I YouTubed it. Above video is a little hokey, and the ‘research’ is quite sketchy, but interesting none the less.

2019-10-29T19:26:25+00:00May 22nd, 2017|Videos|

Dungeons and Dragons Arcade Marquee

We often hear people saying how much they love the TMNT, or Simpsons, or X-men side scrollers. Little do they know, the best side scrollers ever created are the Dungeons and Dragons series. Not only is there an incredible amount of replay value, but the fighting schemes and game play are spot on. Check out the marquees in our store here.

2017-05-04T19:12:48+00:00May 4th, 2017|Product Photos|

Nintendo Cabaret Arcade Game

custom made Nintendo cabaret with graphics by arcademarque.com

We recently had the pleasure of working on one of the cutest arcade games ever build. One of our customers had a cabaret version made of the classic Nintendo arcade cabinet and it is everything you would hope it would be. Standing just over 5 feet tall, it features brand new, custom/resized art by none other than ArcadeMarquee.com.

2017-04-28T18:01:27+00:00April 28th, 2017|Product Photos|

Battletoads Arcade Marquee

Finally found a Battletoads arcade marquee. Probably one of the more rare ones we have encountered. Not exactly sure why, but it wasn’t the most popular arcade, and they don’t pop up very often. In any case, it has now been preserved for future generations.

2017-04-28T01:44:55+00:00April 28th, 2017|Product Photos|

Video Game Daryll’s Mini Arcade

Recently sold Video Game Daryll a custom marquee. We’re always very pleased to see our work in action and this one did not disappoint. Mini custom arcade with 6 button layout.
Update on the post, blurb from Daryll describing his project:

“I have been working and collecting arcade machines since 2001 when I moved I had to sell off a bunch of my arcade machines after that I acquired a few more at my new apartment my ultimate goal is to own a sit down racing racing game but I can’t fit one of those through my 29 inch doorways in my second-floor apartment.. I started my first bar top build after buying one of the target midway bar top arcade machines, then I acquired a homemade bar top arcade machine that was dropped I put it back together as a vertical orientated machine I still need to add side artwork and a control panel artwork layout, then I found a bar top arcade machine that I have been looking for for many years by Hanaho Game room classics Taito ..I did some general customization to that machine-then my dad wanted to build a bar top so I ordered him a kit online and he kept it basic black with chrome T molding.. after his build I decided to build one of my own I originally wanted to build it with a streetfighter II Full artwork but I had trouble with the company that makes the bar kit and artwork so I just started to make it a simple black and red set up removing the yellow T molding that I had already put on the machine at that point I purchased the multi cade marquee custom-made from arcade Marquee.com(you).. it came out really really nice..
My next build will be a Neo Geo MVS themed bar top arcade machine ..”
-Video Game Daryll
LINK to his YouTube channel

2017-02-28T20:25:24+00:00February 23rd, 2017|Product Photos|