Millipede Arcade Marquee

Millipede is pretty high up there on most beautiful cabinets of all time. The speaker grill, rounded marquee holder, side art, kick panel, and CPO all came together beautifully. Was never a huge fan of the gameplay, but when the game room plans finally come together, this would have to be pretty high on my list, just based purely on the aesthetics it brings. Check it out in our store HERE, and below for a play though.

2017-12-22T22:09:26+00:00December 22nd, 2017|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

Berzerk Arcade Marquee

One of the few classics that I have never seen or played. Finally looked it up on YouTube to see what the gameplay was like, and it looks simple but fun. It almost looks to be an early version of Smash TV. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and a play through below:

2017-12-16T21:01:35+00:00December 16th, 2017|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

In the Hunt Arcade Marquee

Recently got a really good scan of In the Hunt, one of the marquees we had missing from our collection. For some reason, this particular PCB is highly sought after and goes for over $200 on eBay. The game play is pretty awesome, very reminiscent of a submarine version of Metal Slug. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and a play through of the game below:

2017-12-09T19:46:42+00:00December 9th, 2017|Arcade Marquee, Product Photos|

GI Joe Arcade Marquee

This is one of those rare games that we never played as a kid. We didn’t even know it existed until Another Castle Arcade in Bremerton Washington got one. A bit underwhelming when we played it. A four player shmup style arcade sounds awesome, but it was very repetitive and had too many explosions if there is such a thing. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and below for a play through if you don’t believe us on the explosions thing:

2017-12-07T22:42:25+00:00December 7th, 2017|Uncategorized|

P 47 Arcade Marquee

Never had the chance to play this game, but always liked the art. Came out in 1988, and looked like it had some pretty cool graphics for the time. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and the gameplay below:

2017-11-23T23:31:40+00:00November 23rd, 2017|Product Photos|

Carnevil Arcade Marquee

Yet another marquee scan we’ve been able to procure. For some reason this fairly common game didn’t have any suppliers for the marquee, so we took the liberty of hunting one down and giving it a nice, high quality scan. Check it out in our store here. Check out below for a play through video:

2017-11-21T00:11:57+00:00November 21st, 2017|Product Photos|

Sega Outrun Arcade Marquee

Sega Outrun arcade marquee. One of the few single player drivers that people request. This, Road Blasters, and Pole Position seem to be the most popular. Since Pole Position’s pcb boards always take a crap, and Road Blasters Atari buttons always fail, Outrun is usually the game of choice for us. Check it out in our store HERE.

2017-11-15T21:16:15+00:00November 15th, 2017|Product Photos|

NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition Arcade Marquee

Played this game a ton with my big brother growing up. Avoided all of the arcades that charged $.50 per quarter. 2 dollars a game? No way. There was something very satisfying about being able to entirely demolish an opponent after a play was over. Fully scanned and cleaner marquee available in our store HERE.

2017-11-08T19:11:29+00:00November 8th, 2017|Product Photos|