P 47 Arcade Marquee

Never had the chance to play this game, but always liked the art. Came out in 1988, and looked like it had some pretty cool graphics for the time. Check out the marquee in our store HERE, and the gameplay below:

2017-11-23T23:31:40+00:00November 23rd, 2017|Product Photos|

Carnevil Arcade Marquee

Yet another marquee scan we’ve been able to procure. For some reason this fairly common game didn’t have any suppliers for the marquee, so we took the liberty of hunting one down and giving it a nice, high quality scan. Check it out in our store here. Check out below for a play through video:

2017-11-21T00:11:57+00:00November 21st, 2017|Product Photos|

Sega Outrun Arcade Marquee

Sega Outrun arcade marquee. One of the few single player drivers that people request. This, Road Blasters, and Pole Position seem to be the most popular. Since Pole Position’s pcb boards always take a crap, and Road Blasters Atari buttons always fail, Outrun is usually the game of choice for us. Check it out in our store HERE.

2017-11-15T21:16:15+00:00November 15th, 2017|Product Photos|

NFL Blitz 2000 Gold Edition Arcade Marquee

Played this game a ton with my big brother growing up. Avoided all of the arcades that charged $.50 per quarter. 2 dollars a game? No way. There was something very satisfying about being able to entirely demolish an opponent after a play was over. Fully scanned and cleaner marquee available in our store HERE.

2017-11-08T19:11:29+00:00November 8th, 2017|Product Photos|

Lethal Enforcer Arcade Marquee

One of my favorite shooter games as a kid, and surprisingly enough, still quite fun today. If you can get past the incredibly cheesy characters and feel of the game, it’s a blast. Also one of the best 90s marquees of all time. Mullets and pink tank tops. Can’t imagine what it would be like to have your kids see you on that marquee 20 some odd years down the line. Check out the marquee in our store HERE.

2017-11-07T02:43:30+00:00November 7th, 2017|Product Photos|

Spiderman Arcade Marquee

The Spiderman marquee presented a little bit of a problem for a standardized size. The original marquees was huge, and looked great on a dedicated cabinet, but for any conversions, the aspect ratio presented a problem. What we ended up doing was shrinking it down, and adding Spiderman comics where the massive amount of black space would have been. Looks pretty good, but if you’re a purist, try not to gag too hard. Check it out in our store HERE.

2017-10-16T04:56:00+00:00October 16th, 2017|Product Photos|

Brute Force Arcade Marquee

We delayed this marquee for quite a long time due to the nature of how hard it was to scan it, but it’s finally here. A truly abstract and rare game, we won’t probably sell more than 1 or 2, but it’s cool to have in the collection. The game itself looked like a combination of Double Dragon and Narc, but it also looks as if the gameplay was lacking. Check out a video of the game below and click HERE for a link to the marquee in our store.

2017-10-13T22:17:06+00:00October 13th, 2017|Product Photos|