This could possibly be one of the cleanest 4 slots we have ever seen. Thanks to Josef for the photos and continued business on the Neo Geo mini marquees.

First name or gamer tag: Josef
Years collecting: 2
Rarest game: Probably Alpha Mission II
Favorite game: Strikers 1945 Plus & Neo Turf Masters
Anything about the Neo Geo world:
Couple of years back I had an arcade cab with a single slot Neo Geo JAMMA board in it and a 161 in 1 multicart. That was the closest I could get playing Neo Geo on original hardware since finding an original Neo Geo cab here in Germany is very hard.
Last year I was finally lucky, found an original Neo Geo Big Red 4 Slot in a German arcade forum and immediately pulled the trigger. The seller told me that the cab is originally from a US military base here in Germany and his friend restored it couple years ago.
It is in great condition, only thing I have done so far was repainting the control panel and swapping the sticks and buttons for new ones.
I consider myself very lucky and proud to have such a great cabinet in my collection!


Thanks again Josef!